Building Boost 32-bit and 64-bit libraries on Windows
After completing this procedure you will have Boost's libraries in x86 and x64 variants, at the same time. cd \where_i_extracted_boost\ bootstrap.bat b2 »
Expand Lua source code. Create a batch file in the root of the expanded archive: pushd "%VS140COMNTOOLS%"\..\..\VC call vcvarsall amd64 popd md dist\x64 pushd »
After completing this procedure you will have Boost's libraries in x86 and x64 variants, at the same time. cd \where_i_extracted_boost\ bootstrap.bat b2 »
A few technical notes, because this was harder than it needed to be due to development environment cruft. Remove MSYS from your PATH. Disable Windows Subsystem »
2015 was the year I ran out of money and instantly learned a lot of what I didn't know about indie game development. I duly went »
I have a Unity project in progress that interacts with some physics bugs present in the 4.6 series. So, incautiously, I decided to upgrade. It's »